What are contactless payments?

Contactless payments are transactions made by tapping either a contactless card or payment-enabled mobile or wearable device over a contactless-enabled payment terminal. Cards, phones, watches and other devices use the same contactless technology.

Contactless payments can both improve your checkout experience and may also increase customer satisfaction and help boost store loyalty. Because your business engages directly with customers at the point-of-sale and in your marketing and advertising, you play a critical role in helping create a positive contactless payment experience.

How contactless payments can benefit your business

A better customer experience

Tapping to pay allows your customers to checkout easily and to avoid touching surfaces – and it only takes seconds, helping you speed up payments.

Contactless merchant materials

2.4 x

more likely to think merchant is reputable

1.5 x

more likely to enter an unfamiliar store

Creating the optimal tap to pay experience

A great payment experience begins before your customers walk through the door. From the first step to the final sale, every moment on the journey to the register is a chance to earn your customer’s business.

Visa Ready logo.
Agilysys logo.
Aurus Unified Payments Platform logo.
Bleu logo.
BridgePay logo.
CardFlight logo.
Castles Technology logo.
CPI Crane Payment Innovations Logo
Equinox logo.
Felix logo.
Global Connect logo.
Heartland logo.
Ingenico a Worldline brand logo.
The iPOS go! logo.
Mojave Payment Technologies Logo
Pax Your Payment Partner of Choice logo.
SlimCD Secure Link Internet Merchant Services logo.
Sound Payments Intergration Made Easy logo.
Tiptap Logo
Verifone logo.
ZmBIZI logo

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